
13/03/2021 : reticenti cieli di primavera

TRACKLIST . RK 2021/03/13 – reticenti cieli di primavera
  1. 00:00Andy Pease-Hungover – ap
  2. 03:23 – Your Russia – 16 Horsepower
  3. 05:36Benno Barnhard-Overspel – kp
  4. 08:00 – Het Rood – RKollage
  5. 09:23Paul Celan-Est is Alles anders – ah+bdb+ap
  6. 12:30Petra Fenijn-Kaartlezen – dv
  7. 16:48 – Emethologie [RK + Els Debarbieux– Emeth feat. Timo Tomit] – RKollage
  8. 25:43W.B. Yeats – 3 vernederlandsingen (NKdeE) + orig. – dv+ed
  9. 33:17 – It’s all in the Game – Tommy Edwards
  10. 37:17 – Het Niets van de NKdeE – ackollage
  11. 43:17 – SPONEK U LA: 3 sound poems by Roberto Ncar defying logic – dv+ITL
  12. 53:17 – Let Me In (Hannah Arendt) – ackollage
  13. 55:10Hannah Arendt – uit ‘De Menselijke Conditie‘- kp
  14. 59:15 – The Mountain’s High – Dick & Dee Dee
  15. 1:02:30 – Death of the Author formerly known as Xxxx Xxxxxxxx – gebeurtenis
  16. 1:04:00 – Het Komt in Vlagen (op tekst van Andrea Zanzotto) – RK TVA
  17. 1:19:00 – A Lover’s Question – Clyde McPhatter
  18. 1:24:30John Donne-A Valediction of My Name in the Window – ed+Dead Man’s Hill
  19. 1:31:00 – Sunday Kind of Love-Etta James
  20. 1:34:00Gerrit Komrij-Is deze aarde (extended version) – kp
  21. 1:37:20ZAAHNE sings! – Howl (lyrics by F&tM) – zh+ac+Florence and the Machine + John Wright Trio: South Side Soul
  22. 1:42:30NKdeE-LAIS CV-CXIV -ac
  23. 1:51:18 – HET EPILOOG (Dirty Trip) – ac+google translate+Air

RK WEEKBLADEN = tekstverzameling waaruit geput kan worden tijdens de uitzending van RADIO KLEBNIKOV, het programma van de Vrije Lyriek elke zaterdag 18-20u op Radio Scorpio. Deze week teksten van  Andrea Zanzotto, George Herbert, Marije Hendrikx, Petra Fenijn, Roberto Ncar en W.B. Yeats

Heb je zelf een tekst geschreven die je graag voorgedragen hoort? 
Stuur dan zonder verwijl een mail naar 
met je tekst, ev. wat info over jezelf en jouw naam zoals je die vermeld wil zien.
Met wat meeval hoor je dan volgende zaterdag 20/03/2021 jouw tekst verheven tot den Aether en je krijgt er zomaar tientallen lezers bij…

extended tracklist

00:00Andy Pease-Hungover – ap

song written and performed by Andrew Pease, recorded live in the Scorpio studio during the broadcast on december 7th 2019

08:25RKollage – Het Rood

poem constructed by ac with samples of dv’s voice – text:
“voor Karel. Het rode in de ogen wast het licht met duisternis.
Het rode breekt de monden open voor al het schone dat nu sprekend is”

16:48Emethologie [RK + Els Debarbieux- Emeth feat. Timo Tomit] – RKollage

Arnout fooling around with track 17 on our latest Bandcamp album called NEIN (check it out!). after the show Els finally overtly admitted to having written the incredibly gorgeous text herself, a long time ago.

43:17SPONEK U LA: 3 sound poems by Roberto Ncar defying logic – dv+ITL

ITL= Internet Time Loop, created simply by feeding the audio stream going to the streamserver back into the master from the URL where it is being played. because of variable internet traffic the loop is, unlike any other programmed loop, at every instant variable yet sufficiently stable. the ITL can be turned into a real instrument by playing with the levels of the feedback and the optional effects you add to it or to the source. the ITL is envied by the gods because you’re actually fucking around with the planet’s system clock, and thereby, if one thinks it through, obliterating any notion one could entertain on the reality of randomness. it’s an Anke Veld invention, and, like any human or semi-human invention, a potentially fatal threat to existence as you know it.
Roberto Ncar‘s fabulous sound poetry has somewhat fallen victim to all this mumbo-jumbo but still, anyone with an ear for the genre can’t miss noticing its outstanding quality. thank you Roberto for allowing us to abuse your wonderful creations in such an horendous fashion!

43:17Het Komt in Vlagen (op tekst van Andrea Zanzotto) – RK TVA

Zanzotto‘s text has been expanded by translations in Dutch (NKdeE) and Japanese (Kris Pollet). the soundtrack used was made by Paulstretching the first 5 or 6 notes of Vivaldi’s Spring by Il Giardino Armonico in the free program Audacity 34 times and then running it through ITL for 45 minutes, adding some dv voice work and it playing its Roland HP 503.
we used our ITL experience to synchronize the readings that were done partly in Tienen and partly in Louvain. quite a feat by Arnout, our master of the mix to keep that under control while simultaneously having to read the Italian text!

the piece is conceived as an example of TVA algoritmic sound theater: the voices have no other choice but to try and make their texts audible against the totally unpredictable soundtrack. all fail gloriously.

62:30Death of the Author formerly known as Xxxx Xxxxxxxx – gebeurtenis

the one who’s name may not be mentioned from this moment onward had surreptitiously made his colleagues aware of his imminent death as an Author, but when Arnout spontaneously composed his sound poem on this ugly matter (the very thought of its name makes us all puke in utter horror and disgust already) by having the name being eaten by oblivion one letter at a time, he could by no means have known that his performance was coinciding with the event itself.

111:18HET EPILOOG (Dirty Trip) – ac+google translate+Air

we have a long and standing tradition of ending the weekly show with a mostly more lighthearted epilogue in which everyone present can join in as they please or see fit, but this time Arnout overruled us all by deciding to fabricate a meta-epilogue by having Google Translate read the Wikipedia lemma on ‘Epilogue’ in three languages and mixing the result with the jazzy chimes of Air‘s ‘Dirty Trip‘! what a way to go!