zhú bó yān xiāo dì yè xū
[bamboo] [silk] [smoke] [dissipate] [emperor] [achievement] [empty]
As bamboo and silk smoke clears, the Emperor’s achievements are for nothing;
guān hé kōng suǒ zǔ lóng jū
[Pass] [River] [vain] [lock] [ancestor] [dragon] [residence]
The Hangu Pass and Yellow River vainly guard the domain of Qin Shi Huang.
kēng hūi wèi lěng shān dōng luàn
[pit] [ashes] [not yet] [cold] [mountain] [east] [confusion]
Pits of ash not yet cold, the east of the Xiao Mountains in chaos;
líu xiàng yuán lái bù dú shū
[Liu] [Xiang] [source] [come] [no] [read] [book]
Since Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, there is no reading of books.
竹帛 “bamboo and silk” refers to books.
Hangu Pass is a particular valley pass.
The Xiao Mountains are in modern Henan.
Liu Bang and Xiang Yu are historical figures.
over Zhang Jie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Ji_(poet_from_Hubei)
door Zhang Jie

tekstbron: East Asia Student
opgenomen in WEEKBLADEN #52 - hardleerse tongen
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